Friday 14 October 2011

How to motivate participation in community activities

more sound bits from Dave Andrews

1. Communicate your vision- be passionate & vulnerable. Share your hopes, fears, dreams & frustrations
* Get people to share about the kind of community they'd like to live in (or Jesus Centre they'd like to be part of maybe?)
Focus on the vision & the good things NOT on the problems. Focus people on the positive reasons for engaging with change.

2. Communicate the vision through stories
"Stories are inclusive.. stories are inspirational.. they put flesh on the bones of our airy fairy ideas"
" ...every story they hear encourages people to believe that they too might be able to make the dream come true!"

3. Demonstrate the vision in your own life
"Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words"

4. Invite others to participate with you
"We can cultivate the vision in the lives of others by articulating, communicating and demonstrating  the vision of community we have in our lives and inviting others to participate in the community we are developing with us"

5. Celebrate the realisation of our dream
"If we are to keep going, all of us need to celebrate every single breath we take and every single step we make.. and encourage those around us to do the same"

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