What does it mean to ‘own the vision’?
Does it mean we do what’s always been done or from time to time does God want to bring something new to us? And does that mean the original vision was wrong or that God is fickle and has changed His mind? Do difficulties mean that God’s stopped blessing us or can they be opportunities to grab our attention and communicate the new direction or vision?
Here at Northampton Jesus Centre it’s our 10th
anniversary year and we’ve been revisiting our vision and aims in the light of
financial constraints. Whilst sitting in
managers’ meetings talking about ways to increase income and reduce expenditure
may not feel particularly spiritual does
it mean that we should down tools, lock ourselves in a room and pray fervently
instead or can God speak to us in other ways and if so how?
Augustine once said “Pray as though everything depends on
God. Work as though everything depends on you”. I like this. I’m naturally an activist and
faith that would appear to expect me to sit back and wait for God to do
something doesn’t sit comfortably with me. However, running around like a
headless chicken can quickly lead disillusionment. As James says in his letter
to the church “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:14-16) but in reverse
works without faith is futile.
So how do we hear God? And how do we know when He wants to
bring some fresh direction to our vision? These are some of my thoughts on how I’ve
sensed God speaking to us in recent days.
God speaks through circumstances
God will often use circumstances to get our attention. Our
financial situation has been a wake- up call that some things need to change.
This can either be seen as a negative experience or a positive opportunity.
Last week I met a
woman who, up until recently, had been Director of a successful Christian
organisation in the town. They had faced a far more serious funding situation
than us, quite unexpectedly and yet when I met her 6 months previously she
asked that we pray that either God provide the extra income that they needed or
that He guided them to another solution. 6 months later she wasn’t testifying
to God’s miraculous financial provision but to a new service model, partnership
and way forward. It hadn’t been plain sailing; there had been redundancies and
personal sacrifices including her moving aside to let someone else lead the new
organisation. Her testimony was that through difficult circumstance God had
brought them to a new and better situation.
God guides us through our grappling with issues
Just as the strength of the butterflies wings come from the
struggle of the larva to break out of the chrysalis, so we can believe that God
strengthens us and trains our character through allowing us to grapple with
issues to find a way forward. We’ve been experiencing this as a management team
as we are forced by circumstances to examine our service outcomes, income and
expenditure and ask questions about how we balance the books whilst at the same
time wanting to hear God speak into the vision. None of this activity feels
very spiritual and some of it results in very different ‘obvious’ solutions to
the situation. However, I believe that in all of our efforts to look at things
from a variety of perspectives, we will eventually find an agreed way forward
with the confidence that God has spoken into and directed our plans. We don’t
necessarily need to be in a prayer meeting to hear God.
God speaks through others
Sometimes God doesn’t appear to be saying anything to us
directly and then we find ourselves in a different situation with other people
and they bring a word of direction to us. This happened recently when the Jesus
Centre hosted a prayer & praise evening; because we were the hosts part of
the evening was given over to praying for the needs we shared. When we got
together as managers the next day most of us agreed that this had been a very
prophetic and significant event in which we’d heard God speak through others. I
had prayed with my Director friend and she had spoken that God was going to do
a new thing through these present circumstances and later in the evening the
song that several of us felt was prophetically anointed was “Greater things
have yet to come” from Chris Tomlins’ worship song ‘God of this City’. Since then I’ve felt a renewed sense of faith
and confidence in the knowledge that God is going to direct our path and lead
us into new places.
God speaks through
prophetic wisdom & inspiration
Finally, this appeared to be backed up a few days later in
our worship time as a team, which we have each morning before we open the Jesus
Centre to the public. I saw two related pictures; one was of a small child
clomping clumsily around in oversized shoes, at first enjoying wearing adult
shoes but quickly getting frustrated by the lack of speed and eventually
falling over. The second was of someone
peering over at a huge oversized footprint, the emotion I felt with it was this
person was they were feeling ‘overwhelmed’. The interpretation I sensed in them was that
those of us who are facing the prospect of taking on the shoes (metaphorically
representing stepping into the responsibility of the pioneering generation) are
either feeling frustrated and out of our depth as we begin to practice stepping
into their shoes or daunted by the prospect and like the prints they have made
are far too big for us to step into.
Then I had a 3rd
picture which was of someone walking a new path, making new footprints and
another set of footprints leading the way. I brought what I believed the Spirit
wanted to say to us to us through this. God isn’t asking us to step in to the shoes of
anyone else; He will work with who we are and lead us in a new direction; all
He is asking is that we are obedient and follow Him.
None of this means that the path ahead of us is necessarily
going to be any easier but what can seem like overwhelming problems can become
opportunities when we see them through the eyes of faith and put our trust in
the God who “did not bring us out this far to take us back again” (JF song)
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