We are holding our an annual Volunteer Day this year on the 24th March. Each year we try to inspire and encourage and motivate an increase in volunteering. Particularly, we want to inspire more young men to get involved in volunteering. So I've been reading all the doom & gloom stuff about why young people don't volunteer, why less people are volunteering these days and getting a bit discouraged when I came across 2 articles
The first was '7 reasons why volunteers quit' (from the book The New Breed: Understanding and Equipping the 21st Century Volunteer Group Publishing by Jonathon & Thomas McKee)
and the second a review of the book "Why men hate Church" (By Dave Murrows)
Suddenly I felt full of new hope for attracting and retaining our volunteers, especially our men. Why?
Because according to Thomas McKee the number 1 reason volunteers quit is NOT because they are too busy (although that's what they'll tell you apparently so as not to hurt your feelings) it is actually because the people like me, who are responsible for them are rubbish at doing our jobs! So why did that encourage me? Because if they left because they were too busy there's not much I can do about that (There's still only 24hrs even in my day!) If they leave because they don't feel managed or lead then I CAN do something about that and if they STILL leave I only have to look as far as me for the number one person to blame! There are of course a number of reasons people drop out of volunteering but the top 7 are all things we as managers at the Jesus Centre can do something about.
The other 6 just in case your interested are:
2. They never get any feedback on how they're doing
3. They can't see how their volunteering is making a difference
4. Lack of professionalism
5. Lack of communication
6 (Some people will definitely identify with THIS one) Too much time wasted in unproductive meetings that don't achieve anything!
7. No flexibility in opportunities or rotaring.
So now onto why I'm encouraged that we should have absolutely NO PROBLEM inspiring and recruiting men to volunteering.
Well, firstly, one of the things the article said was that apparently men dislike hugging, dancing, standing in circles and holding hands. BINGO: Volunteer with us and I personally guarantee we WONT ask you to do any of those things!
Secondly, it said that men build relationships through doing stuff together. FANTASTIC...come in for your male bonding adventure with your favourite friends and we'll give you stuff to do.
Finally, men are looking for a challenge "They need the gauntlet to be laid down in front of them with a strong motivating message..." BRILLIANT... Here it is guys:
It is over 10 years since we first dreamed, planned and opened our first Jesus Centres and the world is a very different place. No one had heard of FaceBook, Twitter, tweeting or blogging back then. So what will the world be like in another ten years? We need men who want to shape the future. Men who can lead, inspire and gather others around them; who can serve and share the love of Jesus with people and train and disciple other people to do the same.
Over the next 10 years we need to find a successor for our Centre manager and Deputy Centre manager (& the rest of us will be happy to give you our jobs if you want them!) No experience of dancing, hugging or hand holding required :-)
Great post, thanks.