"The greatest things ever done on Earth have been done little by little" William Jennings Bryan (whoever he was!)
Imagine if you walked past the Jesus Centre building in 10 years time and the shutters were down, the bulding looked derelict and uncared for and when you asked a passer by why the building was closed they said "Oh it used to be a Jesus Centre, run by the Jesus Army. It helped thousands of people of all ages and nationalities but then one day, suddenly it just closed... I hear it was because they couldn't find enough people in their congregation to keep it open. Such a shame. I know many people who were helped through their work. Now it's just lying derelict..."
No! You say, that's awful. That wont ever happen. There's loads of people who could have helped out... if only they'd been asked, if only they'd known what to do, if only they'd listened to the warnings that we'd have to close, if only people had listened to our ideas & let us find our place.
Well if you don't want that nightmare to become reality and you're aged between 18-35 years old see Salim or Ruth Lants about how to become part of the movement to stop the Jesus Centre becoming a monument... alternatively talk to Kelly.
They want to hear your ideas, your frustrations, your dreams, your visions.. and then they want you to get your butt down to the Jesus Centre on Saturday 15th October 9.45- 1.15pm to be part of the J Gen Saturday morning.
Alternately arrange a face to face with me, Jayne Elliott Volunteer co-ordinator & I'll help you to find your place in our future.
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