Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Hope to the hopeless

   Today someone came into the drop in I haven't seen for nearly 5 years. She initially came as as a visitor to the drop in needing help with drug and alcohol addiction. Through the help and support of the staff and volunteers and friends she made through the church she got her life back on track and eventually became a volunteer and then suddenly she disappeared .....until this morning. So what had brought her in this morning? Needing some where to be where she could talk and know she'd be listened to and needing to re-connect with a time in her life before the threat of cancer ever existed; a place where she'd find hope, support and friendship.

I've been doing research into our new visitors at our Step Up drop in scheme. In June we had 40 new visitors half of which appeared to only come in once. Of course like our visitor this morning, that doesn't mean that's the last we'll ever see of them... but equally it might be unless we ensure that all our visitors to the Jesus Centre know that should they find themselves in need, however, they left things last time they will find acceptance, friendship and support.

 None of us know what lies waiting for us just around the corner. None of us include divorce, bereavement, terminal illness, an addiction, mental illness in our 5 year goal plan but these things happen to many of the visitors we see in the drop in. That is when it is often easier to come in and talk to a stranger as they try to make sense of it all. There may come a time, like this morning, when a visitor or ex-volunteer needs to return because life has suddenly taken an apparent turn for the worst.

In the midst of a storm it is often comforting to know there is someone whose been through a difficult time and come through to calmer waters. To hear words of life, encouragement and hope when all you've heard is cancer, may be terminal, no hope, I'm sorry there's nothing we can do. As Christians, all our volunteers are able to offer the hope they have found through finding a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They will never force their faith on anyone but are willing to offer prayer, support, a listening ear and words of encouragement to anyone who comes in and needs it.
That's why it is always encouraging when people come back; may be after a time in prison, in rehab, or moving away. It means that they know that they'll find love, acceptance and support and a chance to start again 

For more info or to help us to help them start again go to www.jesuscentre.org.uk