Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Finding a 'YOU' shaped hole

One of our fundraising strap lines is "Help us to help them to start again"... many times that is as true for the people who come offering to volunteer as it is for our visitors. As Volunteer co-ordinator I get to meet a wide range of people, with various challenging circumstances and my challenge is to find a volunteer gap that will fit them. Most other places wouldn't thing it was worth the amount of support you have to put in to make this kind of volunteering work. But here at the Jesus Centre we must ensure we do not become the 'Have's' serving 'the have nots'. It can do wonders for someone's self esteem to be given a chance to help out. And let's face it Jesus didn't hire an accountant to run his common purse! 
  The woman with anxiety & depression who's been a victim of domestic violence but is also experienced in cafe serving. The Step Up visitor who someone takes the time to get to know & discovers they have catering qualifications. The young man with Aspbergers' who proves a real assett on reception. What you have to look for is the 'diamond in the rough'. Equally you can meet people who on the outside appear totally together ' who then tell you about their bi-polar disorder, depression, or battles with alcohol.
Many of the people I've interviewed over recent months have lost hope or confidence that they will ever work again...
Here at the Jesus Centre we give them an opportunity to take their place and find their value in making their contribution. It's not without it's challenges. but as our mission statement states we are here to "share the love of Jesus with every kind of person with support, friendship and help for all" and I believe that should include our volunteers.